Well... about 10 years ago I bought a project truck, an '85 F-250 HD 4WD 6.9. But to be clear, the truck IS the project, and after a few years, it was capable of doing projects... As is typical, there are always things to do... The truck was barely running then...
Just some of the stuff done to it (that I remember)... Glow Plugs, Controller, Glow Plug Harness, return lines, window felts, door posts, turn signal, instrument cluster voltage regulator, starter (twice!), Alternator, glow plug relay, battery cable replacement (4-0 cable!!!), steering rack, batteries, Fuel/Water separator, mechanical fuel pump, fuel line heater, lights, bulbs, tires, front brake rotors & disc rebuild, back brake R&R, all fluids (gear oil!)... and more.
Currently both the front and rear fuel tanks are out, and I'm waiting for some minor parts to install a set of plastic MTS Company tanks. (Pic 2)
The major things left... Air conditioning, Heater/Air fan motor + box, the dash, all windows, aftermarket gauge set, LED lighting conversion, all undercarriage / steering bushings / consumables, R&R the current critter guard, and finally - a turbo unit for the mountain drives. I've decided not to "pretty up" or fix the appearances.
Along the way I've acquired a complete set of shop manuals including the Diesel supplements, the 1985 bound illustration and text parts guides, and a complete set of 1985 electrical diagram sheets.
If you're still here... the funniest recent story, is rescuing the GI Joe figurine wedged between the mid-ship tank and its skid plate... clearly he'd been there since at least the last owner of the truck some +10 years ago... so I found an appropriate place for him to occupy and continue to watch over the blue beast (pic 3)
I'll be lurking over in the appropriate places... Thank you for having me.

1985 F-250HD 4WD 6.9 Diesel - in blue trim of course... formerly a Colorado farm truck now retired to projects in Sacramento.