I finally tried the electric assist choke cap from the Chinese carb. And it made it even better. In my normal commute, I have a stop sign at 1/4 mile, 1 mile, then at about the 4 mile mark. Up to now the choke would never get to hot idle or was taking way on up to 7-8 miles to come off completely.
This morning, it was at hot idle at the stoplight after the 4 mile, which is likely about 6 mile mark. So all of you that said electric assist cap were right. Dang it. get those "TOLD YA SOs" out now. I really didn't want to run that wire. I need to redo some of it. The stator post was missing any nut or washers. I found a nut. I need a better ring terminal and maybe a couple washers that fit the post right. All I had was one of those U shaped terminals and it was too small. But this was for testing purposes, so I can find the parts to do it right soon. It works more properly now.
Cold start, full choke idle jumps to 1600, which is too fast; need to set that back a little. Second step is 1200. So maybe that cold could be 1200. Then a step between cold and hot. I did set the cold idle to 1600 when hot, but it jumps up there full cold too.
Hot idle is about 700 right now. May dial that back a touch too.
Mt. Airy, NC 81 F-150 STYLESIDE regular cab 2wd. 302 Auto Zone crate. 5 spd M5od-R2