Today was an annoying day. For the last few weeks my tacho has been working, then when driving today it stopped working and the fuel gauge stopped working! All the other gauges work as normal.
Where on earth do I even start.
I have been looking at the 85 EVTM and I have cleaned the C208A connector with no change. So i am wondering what wires should I be tracing through which connectors or what components I should be testing if any.
Any advice welcomed, as always!
1985.5 F-150 XL Explorer standard cab 5.0 EFI AOD 4x4
Daily Driver. We call her Eunice the Ute.
1982 Bronco XLT Lariat 351W AOD 4x4
Code name Esperanza, or Espy to her friends. Please see my Project thread for the blow by blow.
1984 F-350 XL Centurion crew cab 460 T19 4x4
"Eylza Dual-little"