Gary Lewis wrote
......Going to look at it?
No. Its not my flavor. I'm probably going to spend the winter working on the garage. I had a concrete guy out this morning. He's workin up a quote for me. So, I will get all setup finally, start adding heat, lighting, plumb up for central air, start finishing walls etc...
I am for sure going to get a classic truck, just working on timing it right. I don't finance anything but the mortgage, all cars, trucks, home improvements etc I save cash and pay cash. You spend less in the long run that way.
Now, if I could just get my wife to go get a job.....
1988 F250 Supercab Longbed 7.3 IDI, C6, 1356, GEARVENDORS, 4.10 Sterling with autolocker
1986 F150 302, C6, 9" 2.75, Wood Flatbed