Does anyone here know *definitively* if the deep sump pan from a 77 vintage CSG-649 engine will fit into a 84 F150 which came with a shallow front pan, and very deep rear sump? It *looks* like it should fit- but with near zero clearance to the cross member. Please let me know if you have seen one in a 80-86 F150, or know for certain that it will not fit. I know the engine fits- but need to switch pans because the dipstick tube is in the front for the deep sump, and the rear of the block for the deep rear sump.
I suppose if it doesn't have clearance, I might be able to add spacers under the motor mounts to gain the inch ort so I might need.
Thanks in advance for the advice guys.
1984 F150 Short Bed
4.9L 300/6 with 4 speed OD
1984/5 E350 with Super Duty package
7.5L C6 Dana 70 Rear