When a user logs in, they are taken to the FORUM FRONT PAGE with a huge list of forums.
Depending on group status, people see different things.
But for most users...
The first few forums are where all the administration takes place and all the forum-help & social chat is located - how to use the picture gallery/a;bum stuff, how to post, how to reply, how to attach Word documents, etc. etc. etc.
But there are FEW of them - like, 3 to 5.
Add some whitespace and then begin the major categories, FTE staff has a LOT of stuff to oversee/maintain.
Anyhow, the point being...
You mentioned you wanted my input on the FAQ/HOWTO issue.
I knew I had seen it around, but I couldn't easily find it, it didn't jump out at me as it's buried in, quite frankly, too much.
Simplify. Less is better. Begin small, let it evolve, don't try to over-program or over-organize/analyze it from the very beginning.
But ENABLE it.