I had BBK 3510 shorties on my '84 302, and I really liked them. I had a set of the JBA versions as well briefly...I bought a NOS set really cheap and then re-sold them lol, but they were very nice also...I'd say basically the same thing as the BBK's. I did have to buy new header bolts and gaskets though. The ones that came with the headers were too short. Maybe I got a bad batch, I dunno.

And this is the color they turned after being used for a while. They stayed the same after this. I never did polish them or anything. I imagine it would help.
1994 F150 4x2 Flareside. 5.0 w/MAF, 4R70W, stock.
1984 F150 4X2 Flareside. Mild 302 w/ 5spd. Sold.
1980 F150 4X4 Flareside. 300i6 w/ 5spd. Sold in 2021.
1980 F100 4X2 Flareside. 351w/2bbl w/NP435. Sold in 1995