Started this awhile ago and put my first post in the wrong place (sorry guys).
Took me long enough but it’s finally done. Not perfect but suits the truck with the odd imperfection. I stripped it down and polished and repaired as best I could. I gave up after months of looking for the black plastic outlines the letters fit into and went to a local automotive striping company and had them cut the letter outlines 3/16” larger than the new chrome letters and also replace the black large stripe and pinstripes around the perimeter. I then installed the letters after drilling out the mount holes to fit new little plugs and I think she looks pretty good compared to what it was. Thought I would share the hack if it could work for anyone else.
Grant. 1984 Shortbox 4x4 XLT. 5.8L 4V HO, C6, 9” rear. Alberta,Canada