LET THE BUYER BEWARE! No part numbers that I see, so I can't check what Bullnose trucks they fit. However, those aren't "radiator supports", even though the listing says they are. In actuality they are:
Support (radiator grille)
Note that there is a different part for the 1983 - 86 trucks on the left hand side than for the 1980 - 82 trucks:

BRACE (HOOD LATCH SUPPORT) 16864: Two different parts, one for the gas engines and standard cooling, and one for those with extra cooling or with a diesel.

Bottom Line: No way to know what those parts fit. If someone is interested ask the seller to give you the ID # that is on the part and I can cross ref to the part number.
Gary, AKA "Gary fellow":
Dad's: '81 F150 Ranger XLT 4x4: Down for restomod: Full-roller "stroked 351M" w/Trick Flow heads & intake, EEC-V SEFI/E4OD/3.50 gears w/Kevlar clutches
Blue: 2015 F150 Platinum 4x4 SuperCrew wearing Blue Jeans & sporting a 3.5L EB & Max Tow
Big Blue: 1985 F250HD 4x4: 460/ZF5/3.55's, D60 w/Ox locker & 10.25 Sterling/Trutrac, Blue Top & Borgeson, & EEC-V MAF/SEFI