salans7 wrote
First one is E1TZ-17255-D as it has no trip odometer.
The first one is actually the last part number on the list E3TZ-17255-F as it has the million kilometer odometer (6 digit) and no trip odometer. This is the same one that is in my truck. Interesting to see when the changeover was though. I knew the Canadian trucks started out with a 5 digit odometer, but then later switched to a 6 digit, but I didn't know when that change was. All I knew was that it was before 1984.
The other thing to note is that with 517 km already registered on it, it's technically not NOS, but
almost NOS.

I'd say somebody swapped out their speedo w/o trip odometer for one that did have a trip odometer, and threw this one back in the box. So while they gained a trip odometer, they more than likely lost a digit on the main odometer in this swap.
I'd like to have it, but I already have a couple spares and speedos are relatively easy to come by.
1994 F150 4x2 Flareside. 5.0 w/MAF, 4R70W, stock.
1984 F150 4X2 Flareside. Mild 302 w/ 5spd. Sold.
1980 F150 4X4 Flareside. 300i6 w/ 5spd. Sold in 2021.
1980 F100 4X2 Flareside. 351w/2bbl w/NP435. Sold in 1995