Wow! I wouldn't have thought that they'd send that much smaller of a pulley, but they obviously did. That may account for the extra output at low R's.
And yes, the voltage difference is due to the regulator. There are several different settings, and some of them have voltage reductions based on temp.
But glad it is working!
Gary, AKA "Gary fellow":
Dad's: '81 F150 Ranger XLT 4x4: Down for restomod: Full-roller "stroked 351M" w/Trick Flow heads & intake, EEC-V SEFI/E4OD/3.50 gears w/Kevlar clutches
Blue: 2015 F150 Platinum 4x4 SuperCrew wearing Blue Jeans & sporting a 3.5L EB & Max Tow
Big Blue: 1985 F250HD 4x4: 460/ZF5/3.55's, D60 w/Ox locker & 10.25 Sterling/Trutrac, Blue Top & Borgeson, & EEC-V MAF/SEFI