Gary Lewis wrote
I don't think I've ever seen one, either. But it is a good idea. I wonder why we haven't seen them?

I think they were fairly short lived. Introduced in 1983, but I'm not sure when they stopped making them. I have only ever seen the one in person, and I'm pretty sure it was an '87-'91 Ford. I used to see that truck around in the mid to later 1990's, but haven't seen it or another one in 25 years. Going by all of the comments on IG and FB, there are still a few of them scattered around the US, but of all the comments I read, they're all just trucks that are parked collecting dust. None of them are still working.
I seem to recall that there were a lot of problems with them, from local reports at least. Something about being hard on driveline items like U-joints, and driveshafts. I dunno...that's going by very old memory now.
I can see them being problematic up here where frames can rust and fail in as little as a decade.
1994 F150 4x2 Flareside. 5.0 w/MAF, 4R70W, stock.
1984 F150 4X2 Flareside. Mild 302 w/ 5spd. Sold.
1980 F150 4X4 Flareside. 300i6 w/ 5spd. Sold in 2021.
1980 F100 4X2 Flareside. 351w/2bbl w/NP435. Sold in 1995