Howdy, all.
I've been browsing the site for a few years now, getting info for various work on the truck, and realized this morning that I'd really hate to see this site go away, especially as I have three separate tabs open to this site alone. So now I'm registered and wanted to say hello.
I picked up an '86 F150 XLT a few years ago for trails, dump runs, Home Depot runs, etc... Super Cab to include kids and dogs. Affectionately called Big Blue (sorry, Gary). It's a great truck despite the tired 302 and will probably outlive me.
I've stored the old 15s on a shelf to put on some black Methods and 31s and I'd like to black out all of the chrome and silver eventually. Now I'm sprucing up the interior a bit, mainly because I let the sun and weather do dirty work on the old plastic while trying to replace the flooring.
For the admins: I came across the thread discussing new forum software; I would absolutely donate toward that project financially.
Anyway, this is probably the most I'll post unless I'm stuck on a project and can't find the information already in the docs or the forum.
Thanks, everyone. I am really glad you guys are here.
1986 F150 XLT 4x4, another "Big Blue"