Hello again good people,
It's me again, of the frustrating mechanical problems! :)
So am gradually ticking off the last bits and pieces of the getting the truck back on the road list, and am unfortunately back now at the 'half tick' of re-installing the gas tank. (i had it out before for some much needed rust treatment.)
I say half tick because i'm already quite a few hours into this one, gave up last time and put it off for later..
the problem im having is with the four metal 'c shaped brackets that envelope the tank and hold it in, i can't get the tank to sit high enough...
without the top two in place. the tank sits perfectly. exactly where it should. then as soon i try engaging the top two in the holes in the chassis the tank is considerably lower than how it should be...?
I tried pushing the tank up, but it feels as if its got nowhere to go and that there's no gap between the top of the tank and the upper brackets'?
I feel/(am hoping!) that i'm missing something here..
If someone wiser than myself could please illuminate on such a knack i would be extremely grateful.
other things of note,
>There is an RV body above the gas tank so access from on top is impossible.
> I seem to have misplaced one of the metal 'cross hole fixing' things? could this be of some relevance?
>Tank is situated 'midship' behind the axle,(as per snap).
Thanks, as ever,
1981 F-250 camper, 4.9l inline 6, RWD