I tried to send a private email to you, it didn't work.
host mta7.am0.yahoodns.net[] said: 554
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Here is the message:
Hi Gary,
Not sure if this is sending or not...
(nothing happens when I click "Send Email"...
Sorry if you are getting multiple copies.
It sounds like your wife had a vitrectomy.
My Mom had that done too (also for a retina repair),
It takes a while for the vitreous humor to regrow, and the nitrogen gas is to keep the retina in place.
They make "facedown" devices so the patient can read and watch tv (with the good eye) and sleep, while in the uncomfortable healing position.
google search vitrectomy recovery equipment
Also, here is a good vitrectomy page from a reputable source.
I wish her an easy recovery,