Puddles the 86 F250 received a ZF5 in 2018. A few months later, the slave cylinder failed so we replaced it with a matched set of master/slave. No problem since.
But lately the pedal seems a little low, especially for our womenfolk. I read in another thread
here that there is an adjustment rod on the master at the firewall.
I'd be inclined to have a peek at that rod. We didn't see any clutch adjustment rod on the Bricky buildup we just did. Perhaps it went away with the handsome Bully grill, as it were...
Reno in Central Texas, 86 F250 XLT Lariat eclb 2wd 6.9, plus 2 Bricknoses, 1 Aeronose that's getting a Bullnose front clip, and parts trucks. Busy lads, father and sons wrenchers.