Well, I've been away awhile. Found myself back on the site looking for AC information, and of course found a wealth of info from you guys. My project is currently waiting for an electronic transmission install. Sort of a long story, but shorter version is I ran into a wiring headscratchers for awhile and was trying to get reliable starts while buttoning up other areas. Got that sorted out eventually and ran into an issue with my non-electronic AOD transmission using the new aftermarket line-pressure cable setup. We could not get the line pressure set within spec.
After consideration of parts obsolescence with the AODs, and unsure of the condition of a seemingly original tranmission, I decided to go with a remanufactured AODE/4R75W and standalone transmission controller. It's only money...
Haven't got the later model transmission installed yet, waiting on availability. In the meantime, I began researching what it'll take to restore/modify the AC components. My pulley package came with a one wire Sanden peanut compressor. I will likely go with custom hoses since the bracket moved the compressor over to the passenger side.
85 F150 EFI 302