1999 Ford F-250 SD Lariat Extended Cab Pickup Truck Vehicle 6.8L V10 Auto

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1999 Ford F-250 SD Lariat Extended Cab Pickup Truck Vehicle 6.8L V10 Auto

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1999 Ford F-250 SD Lariat Extended Cab Pickup Truck Vehicle 6.8L V10 Auto On Ebay

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Re: 1999 Ford F-250 SD Lariat Extended Cab Pickup Truck Vehicle 6.8L V10 Auto

Cheap for a reason... Triton Modulars of that era were kinda junk. good for sending spark plugs into to low earth orbit! Also why Aeronoses (and to a lesser degree brick and bull noses) are so sought after. IMHO when ford's truck quality went from  to .
1984 F150: 300 L6, AOD, RWD. EEC IV / TFI, Feedback Carter YFA Carb. Stock everything but radio (for now).