Gary Lewis wrote
Are they USB as well?

Haha...the Bluetooth joke passed right over my head until I went and looked at the pictures.

But no, you couldn't use USB Gary, certainly not on something that

I wonder what the remote mounted reservoir for the clutch master cyl is all about.
I have nothing against mods per se, but man they can certainly be a pain for the next guy when he's trying to order parts. Vehicles like this do take some patience to buy/own/service.
1994 F150 4x2 Flareside. 5.0 w/MAF, 4R70W, stock.
1984 F150 4X2 Flareside. Mild 302 w/ 5spd. Sold.
1980 F150 4X4 Flareside. 300i6 w/ 5spd. Sold in 2021.
1980 F100 4X2 Flareside. 351w/2bbl w/NP435. Sold in 1995