Nice truck!
Since people tell me all the time (including Ford experts!) that the Bullnose Flaresides were NEVER offered with plywood floors in the beds...I'd like to point out that this truck still has what looks like the factory original PLYWOOD bed floor. It is pretty rare to see them with the original floor still intact like this.
Reamer knows!

I like the black bezels with the silver edging. Cool.
Overall in very nice condition. I like it, a lot.
On a side note...I just happened to see the folks on Facebook the other day asking what the number was on the firewall behind the engine. I paid little attention at the time since my truck does not have this number...but I see this red one sure does.
1994 F150 4x2 Flareside. 5.0 w/MAF, 4R70W, stock.
1984 F150 4X2 Flareside. Mild 302 w/ 5spd. Sold.
1980 F150 4X4 Flareside. 300i6 w/ 5spd. Sold in 2021.
1980 F100 4X2 Flareside. 351w/2bbl w/NP435. Sold in 1995